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It is
our aim to educate and inform all members of the public in the UK on the
correct and proper use of the 999 system.
Use It... |
...don't ABUSE it! You will receive an
emergency vehicle with a fully qualified member of staff to help deal
with your emergency. If you abuse the 999 system, you could put other
lives at risk and deprive someone who really needs us of emergence

Welcome to a brand site
where we aim to educate and promote the correct and
proper use of the 999 emergency telephone system that is
in use in the United Kingdom. Currently very little
education is promoted by the Government and other public
bodies on the proper use of this system. This site is
designed to help you learn what is defined as an
emergency for each of the three main 999 services across
the UK. Use the blog link on the menu on the left to add
your own comments on your experiences of the emergency
services, or if you work for one of the services then
add your opinions and comments there too!

We are
running an E-Petition on the 10 Downing Street website. This
is where you can sign to petition the Prime Minister on
providing a nationwide campaign to educate the public on the
correct use of the 999 emergency telephone system. To add
your voice, simply go to the petition and complete the short
form. You will need to verify your email address before your
name is added to the petition. Don't worry you will not
receive any spam from the site and your details are held
confidentially and are not passed on to any third party.
Come on! Join the other s who have signed! |